
受動喫煙対策として、市役所本庁舎の受動喫煙場所を本日より、「本庁舎3階北側テラス」及び「市民会館東側」の喫煙場所を廃止し、喫煙場所は「歴史文化伝承館北側」の1 ヵ所のみとさせていただいた内容です。喫煙者にご理解頂きたいと存じます。
The Communication Conference with City Council Members
I informed to them about my inspection for #JapaneseLanguageSchool at #HigashikawaTown, Hokkaido northern part of Japan. In Chichibu, the population has been decreasing gradually. That will bring us quite tough to keep welfare system, medical environment, manufacturing industry, forestry and so on for less employees. We may need the power of non-Japanese to work in the near future and Japanese Language School in Chchibu. That is the reason of this visit.
The smoking place allows only spot on the north side of city hall according to change the Japan #Antismoking code.